Our Circle of Ministries

Our Circle of Ministries

Love one another deeply, from the heart…

1 Peter 1:22

Saving Urban Marriage offers many resources to strengthen godly marriages:

1. Intensive Pastoral Care and Prayer for Married Couples and Singles

We provide five days of intensive pastoral care and prayer for couples and singles, free of charge.
Often nearing divorce, the majority of couples we work with choose to stay together. Marriages are
restored and families saved as couples experience the life-changing power of prayer and the Gospel
of Christ.

2. Weekend Marriage and Singles Conferences

Day-long seminars are offered in partnership with a local church that include For Better For Worse For
and How to be Really Married (for married couples), The Road to I Do and Healing the Heart
through Prayer
(for pre-marital couples and singles).

3. Healing the Heart through Prayer Training Events

This twelve-hour intensive training equips pastors and volunteers to bring Christ’s touch to broken
and damaged hearts in their own church and community. For those who complete the training,
options for more advanced training are available.

4. Resources

Our website (forkeepsministries.com) offer resources to help heal hearts and restore marriages –
challenging articles, timely blogs, audio, and videos in digital or hard copy format are available. Bob
and Cheryl Moeller’s many books are available for order, including: For Better For Worse For Keeps,
The Marriage Miracle, and One Minute Devotional For Couples. Saving Urban Marriage hosts a
nation-wide weekly television program, “Marriage: For Better, For Worse.” “The Marriage Minute” is
a daily radio devotional carried on multiple stations. These programs provide biblical answers and
encouragement for relationship challenges.

5. Development and Resource Planning

Many Christians are concerned for the future of marriage and the family in our nation – particularly for
marriages in underserved communities. We offer these people a way to help support the ministry on
a regular monthly basis, through special gifts, or by making us part of their estate planning and
ongoing legacy.

No marriage stands alone.
Every marriage saved impacts 12 other couples.